OpenPlant Modeler Help


Used to manipulate model objects with constraints helpful for structural modeling and detailing.

Accessed from:

Dialog Controls

  • Current Settings - Select when you haven't created any template and you want to use the current settings of the dialog instead.
  • Bentley/Default - Select when you want to use the application default settings template and you don't want to use the current settings of the dialog instead.
Performs the selected action for single parts without taking into consideration a possible group.
Performs the action for complete groups. In the options, you can specify whether this selection has to be made only when the main part is picked or for each part of the group.
Cancel Closes the dialog without saving changes.
Help Opens online help.
Template Saves and retrieve (Using Templates) settings to be used on other projects.
Show /Hide Preview Opens or closes, respectively, a flyout panel to display an illustration based on the tool.